3 Things Thursday – Week 3

It’s Thursday! That means I get to share with you all, the three things that have made my week better and hopefully you will share yours with us as well.

1. Homemade Bread

So I finally dusted off my bread maker. It has sadly sitting in storage since we moved back to Vancouver last year and this week I decided it was time to start making our own bread again. Using our own ingredients, pressing the right buttons and then waiting for the amazing smell of freshly baked bread to waft through the kitchen, I couldn’t wait! And our first loaf was a success. The hubby and I got to eat it warm with some butter. And the kids gobbled some down in the morning with their breakfast. It’s lovely how simple things like making bread can make people happy.

fresh bread

2. Organization

I’ve made a pact this year to be more organized. I just can’t handle the chaos anymore and I’m hoping organization will be the key to keeping things tidier around the house. I’ve been doing a few DIY Organization Projects for my room and closet (which I will share later.) This is the organization system we installed in the kids’ designated play area. We used some shelving from Ikea and a bunch of different types of storage bins to put all of the kids, toys and books. Everything has it’s place and on top of that, I think it looks pretty awesome!

kids organization


3. Nando’s Chicken

I seriously love Nando’s Chicken. If someone bought it for me everyday, I would eat it. Alas, that is not going to happen, so I do enjoy it on occasion. Like the evening I was all by myself for dinner. No husband, no kids, no computer. So I treated myself to a delicious quarter chicken and salad and I ate every last bite. If you haven’t tried Nando’s please do, it’s so good…and try the fries too! (p.s. No one paid me to say this, I just seriously love the chicken.)



Those were my #3ThingsThurs. Now it’s your turn to share. Add your blog post to the link up below, grab the badge and then make sure to check out my co-hosts as well, Raj at Pink Chai Living  and Nisha at Love Laugh Mirch  . Happy Thursday 🙂




24 thoughts on “3 Things Thursday – Week 3

  1. Great list! I love the smell of baking bread and I get really crazy when I read about the additives the junk put into the bread that we buy. I think its a good purchase and will drop some not so subtle hints to my husband 🙂

  2. It’s been quite some time since I made homemade bread; I can still sense how the kitchen smells once its baking. 🙂

    Now you made me hungry for some! 🙂 ROFL

  3. I haven’t baked bread in years. Makes me want to – we were out of town most of the past two weeks, so actually didn’t get much of anything done this week. But I will have to put bread baking on the to do list for the next few weeks.

  4. Yum! I love homemade bread, and that can certainly make anyone’s week better. I’ve got a bread maker, I’ll have to pull it out again soon.

    Great post!


  5. I love home made bread. Good for you for starting to make your own. The new organization looks amazing and very functional. I love Nando’s chicken. So yummy.



  6. The bread maker! Yes, I have one of my own. Now, let me see if I can remember when I last used it. Now, you have given me a self-challenge to try baking bread again. Really enjoying your posts. I’m glad you are back among us!

    1. Thanks so much Edie! And you should really dig it out, fresh bread is amazing! Once you start it again, you’ll remember how easy it is.

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