5 Earth Day Crafts for Kids

Earth Days falls on April 22 each year, right in the middle of Earth week. Even though we try to talk to the about the environment and being green throughout the year, it’s nice to have a yearly reminder and dedicated day to celebrate the Earth and what we can do to preserve it.

5 Earth Day Crafts - Pinterest

Here are 5 fun Earth Day Crafts that you can do together with the kids. They all use items that you can recycle or upcycle and it’s a good way to start a conversation with the kids.

1. Bottle lid stamps – Bottle caps don’t get recycled so instead of throwing them in the garbage, use them to make homemade stamps with the kids.

Photo Source: A Little Learning for Two
Photo Source: A Little Learning for Two

2. CD birds
– If you have a pile of CD’s that are just collecting dust, take a few of them and let the kids get creative by making them into hanging birds.

Earth Day - CD Bird

3. Trash collage
– Reuse items from the garbage, recycling and compost to create a perfect Earth Day piece of artwork.

Photo Source: Teach Preschool
Photo Source: Teach Preschool

4. Egg Carton Flowers
– Use your old egg cartons and empty cereal boxes to make these lovely spring flowers.

Photo Source: Kitchen Counter Chronicle
Photo Source: Kitchen Counter Chronicle

5. Tin Can Drums – Make music and talk to the kids about Earth Day while making these fun and simple tin can drums.

Photo Source: Hands on as we Grow
Photo Source: Hands on as we Grow


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