I’ve always loved looking through flyers. It was always so much fun whenever the local newspaper arrived at our doorstep and then my mom and I would look through the flyers, find all the deals and write them down so we had them on hand when we went shopping.
I think my love of flyers might be hereditary. My grandmother enjoyed it, as well as me and my mom and now my 5-year old!
But as life has gotten busier, more often than not, the flyers just sit there. Sometimes I’ll take a quick look before they head to the recycle bin for pick-up day. I actually kind of miss it but lately there just doesn’t seem to be enough time to sit back and smell the roses or peruse the flyers.
So that’s why I was so excited to find out about this new, FREE App called Flipp. It’s an easy way to ‘Flipp’ through all the weekly flyers right on your phone, no more papers to worry about and keep track of! Not only that, you can just tap on the items your interested in and it’ll clip them for you and create a shopping list, all on your phone, how awesome is that! Can you tell I’m a little excited about this?
They have tons of flyers to look at and you can save your favourites so they are easily accessible each time. Now you don’t have to wait until the kids are asleep, sit on the table, look through the flyers and write down all the deals and sales. Anytime you have a few minutes, just start Flipping.
This is perfect for any left-over back-to-school shopping, grocery shopping or just an easy way to find all the local bargains and you know how I love a good deal 🙂 Here’s the link to Flipp so you can try it out yourself.
And to help you with that shopping list, Flipp is offering one lucky reader a $50 Visa card! Just follow the Rafflecopter instructions below to enter the draw, and happy Flipping.
We’re sale and clearance shoppers, so we save money by never buying full price!
using coupons when I can
I used to love looking at flyers to see what was on sale where but life has just gotten too busy to do that anymore. Now I just look at the tags to see what is on sale and buy that way 😉
Clearance, coupons, price matching, and Scanning Code of Practice.
I am going to be an extreme couponer one day! I also obsess over the weekly flyers and love looking up deals online. I would use this app all the time because I would love to cut down on the junk mail that piles up around my house!
Wow! I would love to check Flipp up.
Hey Salma
First off, I think you and your family members are GORGEOUS! 😉
Second, your excitement is infectious! My hubby always chides me for NEVER relying on coupons. I am an impulsive shopper, the price be damned! LOL
But your enthusiasm has convinced me to start ‘flipp’ing too! 😉
Keep penning #HUGS
Much love
PS: You just earned a new subscriber 😉
Ah, this is a really good idea!
My mother and I do this all the time. It is a hassle sometimes but still worth it, since products are now quite expensive. If you have any tips on finding great deals and saving money please update me. Thanks!
My spouse and I are both old school – we get the Sunday paper and look at all the ads! And those papers can pile up so easily….
i like to save by shopping sales
I am a coupon queen! If it’s not on sale, I don’t buy it! I take great pride in saving my family money. I’m excited about Flipp. I hadn’t heard of it before now and was using the Reebee App but this is amazing. I love that you can make a list right from the flyers, I can’t tell you how impressed I am! I also price match at Wal Mart every single trip and they now offer price match from your phone so no more bringing in the flyers. With Reebee, I had to write everything down on paper, find the store on my app, open it, find the item and then show it and continue for each item I was matching. This is going to save me time and keep me much more organized! I love technology! Thanks so much for the share 🙂
who doesn’t love good deals and free $50 gift cards?!
I love it when I find a great sale and I have a coupon too so you can really get the price down. I also do alot of online comparisons before I buy anything substancial
With 4 ( soon to be 5) boys I save money any way I can! It drives my husband a little crazy sometimes but overall I think he appreciates it 😛
Bring coupons and my apps for saving. Always eat before grocery shopping and stick to the list.
Buy things on sale sadly i tend to buy even if i don’t need it.. lol
I do comparison shopping online before any major purchases.
I love to do my research before I buy!
Coupon/sale combo!
I like shopping sales combined with coupons if possible.
They say the best ideas are the simplest – perfect use of an app!
(We’ve got that gene in our family too) 🙂
I can honestly say i have never used a coupon. No idea why, probably because when I do pay attention I never see something that I want or need that’s on offer and I am far too disorganised to save them then remember to take them out with me!
Enjoy your new app 🙂
Both of my boys loved flyers as well. One time when my oldest son was little he circled all the toys he wanted on one and handed it to me and said “This is my Christmas list, send it to Santa.” lol I still laugh about that. Nice app you’re spotlighting.
You are so lucky with the deals you get. The coupons in the UK don’t discount that much and you can only use one product type per complete purchase.
Happy Saving 🙂
i only buy the necessary.
I’m not one for flipping through flyers, whether I have the time or not, but I find it interesting how there’s an APP for everything these days.
So glad you can get your flyer-flipping fill in now Salma! 🙂
Enjoy your app!
I use coupons whenever I can.
I use coupons when i can and check for sales!
Coupons are fun, but I tend to forget them at home. I prefer just finding sales at the store.
wow – so flipp is kinda like Tinder – but for items you can get right away if you swipe right 🙂
Keeping my eye out for sales, coupons, and the clearance sales!
Wow, the apps don’t stop! I do remove the coupons from out flyers, but never take them to the store. LOL Very affective! Glad you like the app.
It’s nice to be able to enjoy an old habit in a new way.
hahah I just saw this post and wrote about Flipp in 3 Things Thursday too!