Tracy Moore is the well-known host of Cityline, Canada’s longest running daytime series of its kind. She’s also the mother of two adorable toddlers, Sidney and Eva Simone, a wife, a great supporter of fundraisers and charity events and an avid exerciser!
With so much on her plate, how does Tracy manage to balance everything? I had a chance to ask Tracy how she finds the right balance.

Being the host of Cityline as well as a mom and a wife, among many roles, how do you manage to keep a balance in your life?
I’ve given up on balance and that’s been liberating. These days I’m quite content with my messy life. When I have to work or host an event, my husband is (thank the Lord!) there to parent. I’m lucky to have amazing mommy hours (8-2pm Monday to Friday) and some flexibility in my schedule. But my husband and I decided when I got this gig that he would be the parent staying home with sick children and doing school/daycare pick up and drop-offs. Bless that man!
Being the host of a popular show puts you in the spotlight. How does being in the spotlight impact you and your family?
It means my kids catch me talking to lots of strangers while grocery shopping. I love Canadians though because we’ve got to be the most polite people on the planet. Everyone is so respectful and truly gracious about not including my kids in pictures we take together. Other than that, the kids don’t notice much. They do know that “Tracy Moore who hosts Cityline” may look like their mom, but they prefer the Tracy Moore who wears Joe Fresh flannel pj’s and a makeup-free face.
How did becoming a mom change your life?
Oh in every way possible. The kids are pretty much my top consideration before almost everything. I work out around their schedule. I worry about their illnesses. I can’t hug my husband without one trying to squeeze in between us. They’ve also showed me that I do have a confrontational side. It only comes out when I have to protect them.

What kinds of things do you do together as a family?
We sing, read books, play Lego, eat and do puzzles together. We also shower together on occasion (don’t call child protection please!) We are a super tight-knit family and the love is palpable. Except of course when my three year old has peed on every fabric in the house. Then the love is a bit harder to feel. I have a lot of no-cost games I play with my kids while Lio prepares our meals. One of them is giving “dizzies”. This is EXACTLY as it sounds. The kids throw a blanket on their head and I spin them around in circles in my arms until we both collapse on the sofa. Don’t knock it. This can add up to a half hour of good, clean fun!
What’s the hardest thing about being a parent?
In the beginning it was the sleep deprivation. It’s devastating, debilitating and totally unacceptable. How can a human being function on 2 hour sleep intervals?! The answer is: they can’t! Now that they sleep the toughest thing is being able to deal with all of their “play with me!” demands and also finding time to talk to my husband. And I’m not using talk as a euphemism for something else here. I actually want to TALK to him. You know, have a conversation without being interrupted to break up a 6-alarm sibling scuffle. Date nights help but I was used to talking to Lio every day, anytime I needed to. Now it’s tougher to get that in.
What’s the most rewarding thing about being a parent?
The list goes on for miles. I see myself in my kids (totally narcissistic but true) and I think that’s cool. I also don’t see myself in them and that’s cool too. They say obvious and profound things often. They encourage me to keep being silly. They make me laugh constantly. They make me cry when I think of ever losing them. They make me feel more humanity then I ever thought possible for people the world over. They make me want to get up every day and do my best to set a good example.

If you ever manage to get ‘me’ time, what do you do?
Read. I read like I eat dessert – fast and feverishly. I also like to work-out in any free time I have and spend time talking with (you guessed it) Lio.
With life being so busy, how do you and your husband manage to keep a strong, healthy relationship?
We’re pretty honest with each other about how we’re feeling and that helps keep communication open. We also lean on each other quite a bit for advice and support. I think we fight fair and that’s important. We’re also aware that we’ll never be the kind of couple who share a brain – so I respect his need for alone time and he respects mine.
What’s one piece of parenting advice you can give readers?
Be forgiving with yourself. There’s no right answer on how to parent so just do your best. When I screw up with my kids I apologize to them. I think it’s great to teach them that people make mistakes and that’s ok. It’s how you handle your mistakes that count.
You can catch Tracy on Cityline, weekdays at 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. on City. This year Cityline celebrates its 30th anniversary. To find out more about Tracy you can visit and you can check out her blog, Behind The Scenes.
Great interview – loved the questions posed and the very real answers from a fellow mom. Woven through this interview was the concept of co-parenting with one’s spouse and I really think that’s key to both parents’ ability to have a fulfilling career and home life. Thanks, Tracy, for sharing yourself with us!
I love this interview! My favourite though is Tracy saying that she’s given up on balance! That is a word that plagues moms and I’m really glad to see someone giving it the boot.
Love this series Salma!
surprising that tracy is concerned with folks taking her kids pictures when they are featured on the show intro…..scary security risk….
Tracy is so “real” , warm and engaging. Love Tracy!!!
Great interview, really enjoyed ready your post.
I hadn’t heard of Tracy here in England. Great interview. I like the way she accepts that her life will be messy. That’s the secret to success. Go with the flow. Don’t buck the system. Just a couple of quotes that work along similar lines.
I loved reading your interview. It comes across as being very sincere, realistic and genuine. It was a good read! 🙂
I’ saw Tracy speak at the Mirror Ball a couple years ago, and was blown away by her composure, grace and ability to connect with a difficult room. It’s wonderful to read this article and see how she approaches life with a good slab of forgiveness and mess, too 🙂 ~Catherine
Good interview gives insights into how parenting would be,First look at Tracy she looks a bit different with man arms, but once you get used to her she looks warm and she has the most amazing voice and lovely smile. Her little ones esp the little boy looks very charming too. ‘Fight fair’ is a very good concept in a honest relationship, Tracy has the ability to put her thoughts in a concise manner, she should write a self help book some time.
Great interview. When Mr. Cute Guy and I were young parents we both worked full time – he 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 and I had a home daycare before our youngest went to school full time. Then I worked 10:00 a.m. to 6:00. Dad was home before the girls, gave them a snack and they folded the laundry I had washed before I left for work. The table was set and if I was on the ball there was a casserole in the fridge for dinner which Mr. C.G. would put in the oven as per my instructions. Balance for all 4 of us back then was surviving the work/school week. No children and/or adults were harmed in this experience and we all survived. Both of our girls are stunning moms and are now trying to find balance in their own lives with their own children. Balance comes in small miraculous moments and you need to keep your mind and heart open so as not to miss them.
Thanks for your comment Barb. Wow, it looks like you had a really good system going 🙂 And very good advice.
I have watched her show whenever my wife is not at home, and I have nothing to do. Some of the guests on her show have a really interesting point of view about the whole thing.