*Update: On Nov 22, Nira announced that she is expecting baby #3 in May 2017 and recently shared it will be a girl. She already has 2 boys.
Early mornings have never been the same since Nira Arora joined the air waves. As the co-host of with Jonny, Holly & Nira on the Virgin Radio 94.5 FM, Nira has made her mark as a voice to be heard. Born and raised in B.C., Nira has been a prominent media personality for more than a decade.
Along with her 5:30am radio morning show, Nira is a busy wife and mother of two adorable boys, Shae and Aavi. she writes a regular column for BC Living, does freelance TV work and is an active community volunteer. With so much on her plate, I was eager to find out how Nira manages to find ‘the right balance.’
Being a working mother in the media, a wife, an active volunteer in the community and an entrepreneur can make life pretty hectic. How do you mange to find balance in your life?
I don’t sleep! Hahahaa! It’s actually pretty true, with my hours for work, I get up super super early and once I’m up, I’m up. I think that helps me get everything done. Trust me, there are things that fall through the cracks but at the end of the day I know what the priorities are and that’s what I focus on. I take it one day at a time.
How does having to work so early in the morning affect your life?
I have no social life on weekdays at all. Gone are the days of meeting for dinner and drinks for me- if you want to see me on a weekday it’ll be brunch or lunch. The work hours coincide nicely with the kids actually, we have the same bedtime! Seriously! I put them to sleep between 7-7:30 and I need to be in bed between 8:30-9pm. Once I’m home from work I get the day with them and I try to squeeze in a nap if they’re both sleeping at the same time!

As the co-host of a very popular morning show you are always in the spotlight. How does being in the spotlight affect you and your family?
I’ve been so lucky to be part of a community where there is such a positive reaction to my job. When people come up to you and say ‘Hi’ as if they know you, or tell you their side of a story that had something to do with what you brought up on the show, that has been amazing and that’s a major positive. The Negative? Well, its pretty superficial on my part actually, I feel like I can’t just leave the house looking like a scrub and make a grocery store run in my spit up covered PJ’s!
How did becoming a parent, change your life?
Becoming a mom is definitely the hardest thing that I have ever done in my life. BUT it is also the most rewarding thing I have ever accomplished. I’m so much more laid back since having kids. I was a crazy control freak before. I’m still crazy but I’ve backed off on the ‘control’ part a bit. I’m all of a sudden more fearful now though, things that never used to scare me do now, I don’t know. I just want to be around forever for my kids. I’ve never wanted to live a long life so badly, until I had my boys.
What’s the best thing about being a mother?
This is easy, the unconditional love. Nobody, absolutely nobody loves me as much as my boys and it’s obviously the same for me when it comes to them. It is the most amazing relationship, mother and child.

What’s the most challenging thing about being a mom?
Trying to be there for them for everything. It’s challenging for me to admit that sometimes I need a break from them, and that’s ok. That doesn’t mean that I’m a bad mom. It just means I’m human and I need some ‘Me’ time which in the end makes me a better mom to the kids.
What kinds of things do you do together as a family?
We love to travel and that hasn’t stopped since we’ve had the boys. Its crazy but we still do it. We have lots of play dates, family get togethers, the aquarium, science world, community events, crafts, you name it, we try it!
Being so busy can take a toll on relationships. How do you and Garry stay connected and keep your relationship strong?
To be honest, it’s hard! By the time we get the kids to bed, we are worked! That’s something that we are still working on. Right now sleep feels more like a priority to us than date nights! But, that’s something that’s on my list next, “Plan Date Night With Garry.” We use to do that every two weeks when it was just Shae, but now that we have 6 month old Aavi as well, it’s been a little crazy

What is one piece of advice that you think all parents should know?
Everybody needs some help sometimes. Once you come to terms with that, things start to fall into place.
You can catch Nira Arora weekday mornings from 5:30am – 9:00am on the Virgin Radio 94.5 FM. You can also follow her on Twitter @NiraArora and on FB at Nira Arora.
It is really not easy to manage work and family as a full-time-working-mother. After work, I would spend my time with my children.
very insightful. Indeed balance is the narrow path
What a lovely interview! I love the pictures, they are very cute 🙂
Hi Salma,
Loved the interview. A very honest account of the challenges a working mum comes across every day. The idea of a super-woman is a myth. There is no such a thing. There is a woman who manages her time well, and eve she has to sacrifice some pleasures for what she sees as a priority. I admire such women.
Warm wishes,
P.S. You may wish to consider installing CommentLuv plugin to encourage more people to post on your blog. Just a thought! 🙂
Loved this interview! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Lovely interview and great pics! It is difficult to find a balance between family and work. Nira seems to have created a routine that works for her 🙂
Great interview, thanks for sharing it. Inspiring to see that all different types of people struggle with many of the same things as me!