It’s my Blogiversary!

My one-year blogiversary

I can’t believe it! It’s been ONE YEAR since I wrote my first blog post at Real Life For Mom. And today will be my first new blog post on my own self-hosted site. Boy, things have really changed in a year!

The first blog post I ever wrote was called Family Photos. It was short and to the point. But I was ecstatic that I had done it! After reading ‘Blogging for Dummies’, perusing other Mommy blogs and picking a name, I had finally done it.

I started in November of 2012. We were living in Winnipeg and it was a cold winter evening when I published my first post. I was warm and snug in our condo. The kids were sleeping and it was quiet.

I remember being excited about getting back to my writing roots. At the time I was working as a producer for Breakfast Television with Citytv after my second maternity leave. Even though I was already working, I still really wanted to start the blog as a way to renew my love of writing and to share my experiences of being a mom with others.  I wanted to share the good, the bad, the tasty, the fun and of course, the mommy guilt. And it really was cathartic.

I started with a gusto, writing very often, but then life got in the way; working, being a parent and a wife. Soon my posts were just once a week.

Then something came up and the kids and I had to move back to my hometown of Vancouver for six months. While I was there, I didn’t work and had more time to focus on my blog. And a really amazing thing happened, I was selected as one of the Top 30 Mom Bloggers by It was such an amazing experience. I met so many great people and bloggers at Vancouver Mom’s  event to honor the top 30 and to be honest, it changed my outlook on blogging. My life was opened up to this big world of bloggers that I didn’t even know existed and it inspired me to do more with my blogging and writing.

So now one year after writing my first blog post, things have definitely changed. I have launched my own self hosted site to blog from and I love it! I am able to do so much more with this blog and I hope you get more out of it as readers.

I’m also blogging more often, 3-4 four times a week as opposed to just once a week. And I think my writing has changed, for the better, each time I write a new post.

I’m a part of this big blogosphere where I’ve met so many great great bloggers and I’ve learned so much that I hope to integrate into my blog and write better posts for you to read and take nicer pictures for you to see.

I’m also working from home now, leaving the television industry behind, except for the occasional video blog and I’m focussing on freelance writing.

I’ve jumped head first into social media and am learning the ropes of FacebookTwitter, Google +, HootsuiteInstagram and Pinterest  while constantly trying to engage with my readers.

Lastly, I’m learning to take better pictures for my posts and learning more about video blogging. Oh and I’m still trying to be a good mom, a better cook, an okay wife and a terrible housekeeper. So I have a pretty full plate, but it’s awesome!

When I talked to my sister about how much is involved in being a blogger, she asked me, “How do you find the motivation to keep doing everything?”

I didn’t even have to think about my answer. “I don’t need motivation. I LOVE what I’m doing and that keeps me going and helps me get everything done.”

I guess I’m really lucky that I am doing something I really love. Happy One-Year Blogiversary to me and to you. Thank you so much for reading and for all your continued support.

18 thoughts on “It’s my Blogiversary!

  1. Happy blogiversary! ! I have enjoyed reading your blog, it helps me keep up with you since my days at the park are a little less fun now that you’ve moved away lol. I love the new site and look. Great job! I love the new name too! Can’t wait to read more!

  2. Awesome new blog. Good for you!
    I’m following you on all your social media profiles now and I noticed that the Google+ button in the sidebar and the link in this post does not work.
    I just switched to self-hosted a few weeks ago and it’s so much better! glad to connect!

  3. Happy Blogiversary! I switched from a blogger blog to self-hosted and I love it! I have been lacking time lately and therefore not blogging as much as I’d like to, but I hope that changes soon.
    Best of luck. Can’t wait to keep reading 🙂

  4. WOOHOO!!!!!!!! Love the new site and happy 1 year anniversary!!!!!!!!! How exciting!!!!!!! Looking forward to reading new posts.


  5. Congats on the Blogiversary… also love the name of the blog, very suiting!!! Looking forward to more posts, Salm…xo

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