Keyan started pre-school last week, three mornings a week. I was excited and sad all at the same time. Excited that he was going to start a new journey, make new friends and have new experiences. Sad because I was going to miss him. I was also worried that he would cry and be upset when we left him alone at preschool for the first time. We talked about it with him in advance to prepare him and on the day of, he said he was ready and happy to go.
On day one, I dropped Keyan at his preschool, helped him hang his bag and shoes and then find his spot in the circle of children. I kissed him goodbye and told him I’d pick him up after lunch. He gave me a smile and I left. I got outside the door and I didn’t want to leave. He was okay, but all of a sudden, I felt like crying! It was so odd. I posted my feelings on my personal page on facebook and I was so glad I did. I have some good friends and fellow mothers who said wonderful things and I felt better. They were so nice, that I had to share them:
“Because you’re the mama…. It’s an amazing feeling knowing your child has the confidence and sense of security to be without you. Be proud of yourself.”
“Consider yourself lucky, very lucky! What a confident little person you have raised!!! And the you crying part is 100% natural.”
They were right, I am lucky and I was really proud of Keyan. The rest of the week was great, he was happy to go into his class each morning and eager to share his day when picked him up.
Waiting to go into class in the morning
Going for a nature walk
Showing off his first craft
How was your child’s first day of preschool? Was it harder for your child or for you?
Good job Keyan!
Thanks Roxanne!