One of the things I really dislike is when 4pm hits and i have to figure out, WHAT’S FOR DINNER!
I have no problem cooking, I even enjoy it. But what I don’t like is figuring out every evening, what I am I going to cook. Do I even have the ingredients? Is it going to take too long?
Well, I have the solution! Each week before grocery shopping, I sit down with my recipes and thoughts and come up with a meal plan for the week. Then I make my shopping list according to that. It makes shopping so much smoother. But most importantly, it makes dinner so much easier because I already know what I’m making. I can also prep some stuff the night before to make the process even simpler! I have decided to share my meal plan each week. This will ensure that I make the meal plan and maybe it will inspire you to do the same.
MONDAY – Easy Pasta
(This is a new recipe I will be trying. I found it on the web and it consists of ground beef, pasta and veggies. I try and save the easy recipes for the days that I’m working.)
TUESDAY – Homemade cream of mushroom soup & homemade bread.
(I found this amazing soup recipe and after eating that, I can’t go back to canned. And it’s so simple! I also have a bread maker, so I thought some fresh french bread would be a good accompaniment.)
WEDNESDAY – Sushi Take-Out from downstairs
(It’s okay to get take out once a week, at least that’s what I tell myself.)
THURSDAY – Shrimp curry, rice and sautéed snap peas
FRIDAY – Homemade waffles, eggs and fresh fruit
SAT/SUN – A combination of leftovers and fly by the seat of your pants meals
I would love to hear your thoughts on meal planning and if you can share your weekly plan, even better!