>I grew up in Vancouver but spent the last six years in Winnipeg where both my children were born. Yes I went through some pretty rough winter’s but I also made some amazing friends. One of my really good friends, Roxanne, who was coincidentally my neighbour, played a really big role in our family’s life. We were sad to say goodbye to their family when we left. But we’ve stayed in touch and I’m really excited to introduce Roxanne and have her do her first guest blog post on The Write Balance. Here’s a little bit more about Roxanne:
After teaching for 6 years (my last position was as a Grade 4 French Immersion Teacher) and after the birth of our second child I decided to stay home full-time. I am loving what I call ”retiring while you’re still young enough to enjoy it!” I love waking up everyday, deciding what we will do and participating in many of the community preschool activities that are within walking distance from our condo in Winnipeg. I feel blessed to have time to enjoy my children at their very special ages as well as to be a part of a wonderful community.
Teddy-Bear Toast
This treat is both a healthy snack or (as we enjoyed) a filling breakfast. Simple enough for my 3 1/2 year old and 17 month to make mostly on their own!
This treat is both a healthy snack or (as we enjoyed) a filling breakfast. Simple enough for my 3 1/2 year old and 17 month to make mostly on their own!
8 Simple Steps:
Step 1: Get out your ingredients:
– bread (toasted if desired)
– peanut butter
– honey (optional: we use natural peanut butter which has no sugar added)
– banana
– raisins
Step 2: Peel your banana (or get your baby to do it!)
Step 3: Slice your banana (or get your preschooler to do it!)
Step 4: Spread peanut butter (and optional honey) on toast
Step 5: Place banana slices for ears and nose
Step 6: Add raisins (beware of raisin-snatchers who want to eat your whole stash before your bear is done!)
Step 7: Ta-dah!!! Your Teddy Bear Toast is done!
Step 8: Enjoy!
We will definitely be trying that next time we need a fun activity and snack. It’s a two in one deal! Thanks Roxanne.
If you’re a parent who would like to share a craft idea here, please send me an email at Salma@TheWriteBalance.ca.
cute idea-and it always tastes better to the kiddos when they are the ones that made it!
You’re right Tennille, they always do seem to like food better when they are involved.
Such a cute and fun activity. Now my little one loves raisins but not bananas as much. This is a great way to get them to eat too! Thanks for sharing a great activity during snack time.
I hope your kids like it Lina 🙂
Whoah – those kids are crazy cute. My monkey can’t do peanut butter but I am going to see if she’ll join me in doing this with almond butter. Great (delicious) idea!
They are really cute Brooke! And good idea about the almond butter. I hope your monkey likes it.
So much fun! I’ll definitely be trying this with my little guy after my next grocery trip. No bananas on hand.
That’s great Briana! I hope you guys have fun doing it!
Awwww, those are soooo cute! I love it. I’ll have to try this with my girls next time they are home for a snack. 🙂
Thanks for the sharing and creativity..It brought warm memories of activities of what I had done with my children..and at the present with my grandkids. My activities are around learn french as they are both in english school..trying to connect to the french community ..I found CREE..but would love to be with a group in the evening to create more oportunities. Does anyone have any suggestions..as I like to be able to have My granddaughter Nuna to join in as she speak the french language. Roxanne ,thank you for the sharing. C est tellement adorable.