My kids are both out of the baby phase. With an almost 6 and 4 year old in the house, the days of diapers, breastfeeding, potty training and waking up in the middle of the night are behind us. But I still look back at those early days and all the items that come along with having a baby in the house. Even though there was a lot of ‘stuff.’ there are a few things that were definitely must have baby items!
With a few people in my life that are pregnant or just having newborns, I thought it would be fun and informative to share my Must-Have Baby Items, beyond the basics, that made newborn life a lot easier.
(Also read: 10 gifts for new moms)
1. Nursing Cover
I breastfed both my kids for quite a while. Keyan for 16 months and Kyah for almost 20 months. Nursing covers were a must for me! They allowed me to breastfeed comfortably wherever we went, whether it was at the mall, a restaurant or the park. I kept one in my diaper bag and an extra one at home, just in case. My favourite ones were Hooter Hiders and Udder Covers, the reason being that they both had a rigid neckline so that I could still look down and see baby while they were nursing. Plus they were also really handy to cover up when I was pumping milk, bonus!

2. Vaseline
We were pretty lucky when it came to diaper rashes. Keyan got one diaper rash when he was a baby. After that, I used Vaseline on him after every, single, diaper change and he never got another diaper rash. With Kyah, I used vaseline after every diaper change right from the get go. In the 27 months that she wore diapers, she didn’t get a single diaper rash, for real! That’s why this is my list of must have baby items!

3. Baby Carrier
Baby carriers were a life saver for me! First when they were newborns because it allowed be to give my arms a rest and to actually eat something since they wanted to be held most of the time. Then when they were older but couldn’t yet walk, I would use a a hip carrier to carry them while i ran errands and when i needed to bring up the groceries so I could carry everything at the same time. The ones we used the most were the baby bjorn and something similar to this sling.

So those are three of my must have baby items. And because it’s so fun to find out what baby items other mamas couldn’t live without, I’m linking up with some fabulous mom bloggers who are also sharing their favourite must have baby items. Make sure to check out their posts for the rest of the 12 Must Have Baby Items!
Jessica at North Shore Mama
Salma at The Write Balance
Carolyn at Moments in Mommyland
Tairalyn at Little Miss Mama
What are the must have baby items that you couldn’t live without or made your life easier?
Thanks for sharing Salma! I just found out I’m going to be an aunt so I’ll keep this in mind when looking for a gift for mommy to be! 🙂
Glad you found it helpful Reshma!
My must have item with my first was a really good stroller with a raincover. We went for daily walks, rain or shine and it was a must. With my second baby he didn’t go in a stroller until he was almost 1. I carried him everywhere (inside the house and outside) in a Moby wrap. I wouldn’t have survived baby #2 without it.
A good stroller is a really important one Crystal!
Wow! These are fantastic tips. I’d never have thought of Vaseline. And that cover is a fantastic idea. I used to sling a towel over us both when I breastfed at the beach–so hot.
Thanks Francene!
Hi Salma,
Fantastic tips for new parents! Wish I had this list of what is needed for babies lol My babies are all grown up now, 24 and almost 20 so my baby days are well over! But this list is so awesome for all of those new parents who could really use some help to what they will need for their little bundle of joy to make it fun and easy 🙂
Thanks for the great share!
#1 and #3 are life-savers!!! I didn’t have #3 with my first (no idea why?!) and I didn’t realize how much I needed it until I had one with my second and found things so much easier!
I really appreciate these blogs. I know that when I was first pregnant I scoured the internet for these types of no nonsense pages that were honest about what is really needed. Outside diapers and a few sleepers, there isn’t much else you need (if you’re breastfeeding) for baby’s for few months. This is a great reminder.
I can’t do without my Beco Gemini carrier.
A great baby carrier is definitely a must-have!