Happiness has been a project of mine, since the winter of 2014. It all started when I finally realized that despite everything that was great in my life, I wasn’t as happy as I could be or should be.
It’s 2019 and I can honestly say that I am a MUCH happier person now. One of the biggest things that changed, was my perception and attitude. It all began to make more sense when I started to read the Happiness Project. I began to understand and appreciate the small things that made me happy. And I learned to let things go and not hold feelings inside.
I think being happier is a life long journey and I wanted to share some of the things that I’ve found can add happiness into your day.
So I decided to create a list of small things we can do to add just a little more happiness to our days. Sometimes those little things really do make a big difference.
9 Ways to Add Some Extra Happiness into Your Day.
1. Laugh
Tell someone a funny joke or read a good joke. You always hear that laughter is the best medicine and to some extent, it’s actually true. When you laugh, according to HelpGuide.org, laughter triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. So, laugh some more!
2. Have a Dance Party
Turn the music up really loud and then dance like no one is watching! I used to do this when I was a teenager and it always made me feel good. Now the kids, hubby and I have our own dance parties together in the living room. There is something about letting loose and dancing around that really makes you feel happy!
3. Clean Your Room
I know that may sound really odd, but if you just make your bed, put away any clothes on the floor and tidy up your room a little bit, it’s going to make you feel good. You will be able to relax in this space that is supposed to be your oasis. Heck, even light a scented candle and read a book in your clean room and double the happiness factor.
(Here’s how we cleaned and added a little more happy to our room.)
4. Treat Yourself
If there is something you love to do but consider it an indulgence, give yourself a little indulgence on a random day. Whether it’s that decedent coffee, a little gadget, that t-shirt or an ice cream, it’s okay to do it and give yourself something to smile about. Lately for me, it’s all about this amazing turmeric latte!
5. Compliment Someone
If you like someone’s shoes or shirt or hairstyle, tell them. If you liked the way someone made a speech or did a craft, voice it. There aren’t many people who don’t feel good after hearing a compliment.
6. Get in the Light
Now that it’s fall and with winter coming, the days are getting shorter and darker. Make sure to spend a little time in the sunlight if it’s there or turn on the bright lights when you ‘re at home. Light has proved to be very helpful with happiness. The Simple Happy Life says that more sunlight reduces depression, improves sleep and protects your body from diseases, that’s enough to make me smile.
7. Hugs
Hug someone you care about. I hug and kiss my family all the time. I always say I love you, it’s how we did things growing up. That’s how I am with my kids too. The affection on a regular basis is a real source of happiness.
8. Voice your Appreciation
If you admire someone for doing something or you appreciate something that someone is doing for, speak up. Tell them how much you appreciate, admire or are thankful for them or what they are doing. I really appreciate that my husband works hard for his family. Even though I think it and show it, I don’t really say it. So one day I said the words out loud to him. He was genuinely happy to hear it. Appreciate the people in your life more often, it really does bring happiness to all parties involved.
9. Surprise Someone
Do you have someone you miss or haven’t talk to in a while? Surprise them with a phone call to catch up or just to say hi, show up at their place with their favorite coffee, send flowers to them. A small unexpected please in someone’s day can bring a lot of happiness to both your days. And life is short so make time for the people that are important to you.
What do you do to bring a little extra happiness into your life or into the life of someone you care about?
This is such a great post!