As we continue to learn to live in this ever changing pandemic, it’s good to check in and see how we are doing, not just on the outside, but on the inside as well. Our mental health can be impacted in this situation, I know mine has. One thing that really helps me is to get in some sort of movement or exercise each day. Yet, as this pandemic continues, I find my motivation to move fading. Hence, I started a daily movement challenge on Instagram and thought I’d share it on my blog too.

It’s almost a catch 22: You don’t have the energy or motivation to move, but movement gives you energy and motivation. So what can we do? I came up with a 5 day, daily movement challenge. Each day you have a challenge to do one single exercise. Just doing that one challenge a day, will increase your energy, your endorphins and your motivation, that’s what’s happened with me. Try it out and you’ll see what i mean.
Daily Movement Challenge
Day 1: Burpees
Burpees are a great full body exercise. They also get your heart rate up!
Pick a duration: 2 mins, 5 mins or 10 mins. Then set a timer and see how many burpees you can do within that time. Pace yourself so you can get through the entire time. (I did 86 burpees in 10 mins)
Another option is to set a number goal, such as 25, 50 or 100 burpees. Again, pace yourself and modify as needed. Below I demo three different burpee options.
You’ve got this! It’s one movement that can change the trajectory of your day and bring those energy levels up if you’re feeling tired or down.
Day 2: Squats
For your squat challenge, pick a number goal, 100 squats or 50 squats, (or whatever number you feel is right for you.)
The number may sound big but it’s easier than you think, just pace yourself.
Make sure you have proper squat form. Sit back into your squat & don’t let your knees come too far forward. Squeeze your glutes and and breath out on the way up.
If you’re feeling pumped up after the squats, you can do Day 1’s challenge right after, burpees .

Day 3: Push Ups
The third daily movement challenge is push-ups. After all those squats yesterday, it might be a relief to work upper body!
Your goal is 3 sets of push ups. In each set, do as many reps as possible (AMRAP.) Rest 1-3 minutes between each set.
If you can’t do push ups on your feet yet, watch the video below for 3 modifications. Focus on form, keeping your core pulled in, back flat, hands directly under your shoulders and get the chest close to the ground.
Day 4: Glute Bridge
These are a great glute/booty exercise. Your goal is to do 100 Glute Bridges. If that’s too much for you right now, break it down; do 50 now and 50 later.
Watch the video below for proper form and range of motion. Breathe in as you bring your glutes down, breathe out as you squeeze your glutes up to full extension. Use a mini band if you want to make it more challenging. It’ll get uncomfortable but push through that. You can do this!
5. Sit Ups or Crunches
The last daily movement challenge is for the abs. You goal today is to do 100 sit-ups or crunches. Do them in one go or split them into 50/50.
I hope this daily movement challenge was beneficial for you. I know to helped me. Some days it was the kickstart for more exercise, other days that was the only movement I did. But each time it made a difference in my day, my energy & my mental health.
Keep these daily challenges in your back pocket and bring them out whenever you need. See how you did previously and if you can beat that time or rep goal.
**Tip: Do all 5 of these exercises together as a circuit for a full body workout!
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