Meal Plan September 22 – 28

For the last (long) while, I’ve fallen off the meal planning band wagon. Even though it made life so much easier, I still wasn’t doing it. I blame it on the fact that when we moved homes in March, I lost the binder that held all my recipes. I still haven’t found it but I’m done with excuses.


This weekend the hubby and I planned the week out together. Then I went grocery shopping  and stocked up with everything I need and we are ready for the week!

So here’s this weeks Meal Plan:

Monday – Dinner at my mom’s house

Tuesday – Shrimp Fried Rice (a little switch on this Chicken Fried Rice)

Wednesday – Bison Burgers with homemade fries and snap peas

Thursday – HomemadCheesesteaks

Friday – Homemade Fish sticks, Sweet Potato Coins and salad

Saturday – Leftovers

Sunday – Dinner at the in-laws house

That’s on the menu at our house this week. What’s on your plan?

8 thoughts on “Meal Plan September 22 – 28

  1. wow! Lovely meal plan Salma. I usually cook what I feel like and plan according to vegetables and ingredients which i bought over the weekend 🙂

  2. I didn’t do much meal planning until my daughter was diagnosed with diabetes. now, I have to think hard about what she can have or not, and what it will take to make those meals safe.

    Plus, we have limited funds and have to stay in budget.

  3. Need to start planning out meals! Itd make cooking so much easier. Not that I cook as Kayennat would love to point out! (easier for her ;))

    I crave steak now.

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