We all love our kids. Let’s face it though, sometimes we just need 20 minutes for your self. Whether it’s to quietly drink a cup of tea, to prepare dinner, to get a break or even just to go to the bathroom in peace. Well guess what, her are 5 Ways to Keep the Kids Busy and without using the TV!
5 Ways to keep the kids busy so you can get a break
1. Indoor Scavenger Hunt
Try this really easy indoor scavenger hunt idea with your kids. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen, plus a little imagination. Then send your kids off to hunt and get a few minutes of quiet time for yourself.
2. Bubble Bath
Another way to keep the kids busy is to get them set up in a bubble bath with some fun toys. That will buy you a bit of time for whatever you need, just make sure you stay close. It’s the perfect time to have some peace if you need to use the bathroom.
3. Mini Car Wash
If you’ve got a lot of little cars in the toy box try this activity with your kids. Make an assembly line with all the cars, a bowl of soapy water, a toothbrush or sponge, a bowl of water and a towel. Then set your kids to work with cleaning all their cars, they will love it! And depending on your kids, you can probably buy 10-30 minutes to enjoy a cup of tea while looking through that magazine you’ve been eyeing. (The inspiration for this idea came from a fellow moms blogger, Sand in my Toes)
4. Dusting
It may seem like work to you, but put a duster or even a sock in your child’s hand and for them it’s a game! Get them to dust every surface in the house and by the time they are done, you’ll have dinner prepped and ready to go.
5. Art Project
And the final way to keep the kids busy and get a a little break for yourself, is to give them a simple and safe art project to do like this one for Contact Paper Art or Tape Painting They will get to stretch their creative muscles, you can get a little peace and quite and you’ll end up with some art work that you can display.
If you’re ever desperate for just a little time for yourself, try one of these ideas to keep the kids busy, because even a few minutes to yourself can really help!
What do you do with the kids you need some time for yourself?
Great suggestions. In the 60s, I used to make all household tasks into a game. After breakfast, they would wash the dishes and clean up. Later, I’d come in to inspect in a guise. They never knew if I’d be the good witch or the bad with. The suspense would keep them on their toes.
That’s such a great idea!
When my son was young, I did a lot to keep him away from the TV. He loved building toys, so I used Megablox. Also, paint with water, working with colored glues and pasta, building “forts”, music, and other projects. I applaud any parent who does his or her best to keep children from the TV or videos.
There is so much technology everywhere that it’s nice to have them do other things that invoke their mind and creativity.
At our house, we keep the t.v. off, unless we’re going to sit down and watch a movie together (in the evening). We stay busy doing school, making music, drawing together, and playing games. So many things to do, it would be a shame to waste too many hours staring at the screen!
There are so many fun things to do!
i dont have kids yet but im always curious as to how to make kids stay away from TV and computer.
In this day and age it can be a challenge to find balance between technology and everything else!
Wow Love the way u write..
I’m not a kid and I would love an indoor scavenger hunt!
Me too 🙂
Love these ideas Salma! I’m always looking for ways to entertain the older two especially when I’m trying to get the baby down for a nap or having a shower (I miss long showers!!!!). My fav is definitely the car wash idea! So much fun!
The car wash is totally fun for them!
I’m with Pragati! A scavenger hunt sounds like so much fun!
How did mum keep the three kids without TV?
Great ideas Salma! Another favourite one of mine is giving my kids a pipecleaner and some pony beads (it works best with the clear coloured ones). Get them to put the beads on the pipecleaner. It’ll be quiet enough to hear a pin drop – it’s lovely on those days you just need a quiet moment:) Once they’ve filled the pipecleaner, bend it into a circle and hang in the window as a decoration.
That’s a great idea Renata and then they have some jewelry to wear!