{Blogiversary Giveaway #5 – the last one}
Being a WAHM can be a tricky balancing act sometimes, especially when it come to fitting in all the work your have to do, whether it’s your mom tasks or your work to-do list. Some days it’s perfect to work at home on your dining table. Other days you just need to get out and that’s when a Coffee Shop Office is great!
Why a Coffee Shop Office is Great
On the days when I really need to focus, I head over to Starbucks for a mobile coffee shop office and here are some reasons why:
1. Distractions like laundry, dishes and dinner are out of sight so you can just focus on your work.
2. There is free wifi and outlets so you can stay connected and charged.
3. You have coffee, tea and potentially lunch at your fingertips.
4. Since you’re already at a coffee shop, you can get a friend to meet you for a coffee break or even have a meeting. They happen at coffee shops all the time!
5. Starbucks gives you free refills while you are in the store! Here are the details of their refill policy.
I try and work at my mobile office 1-2 times a week so I thought it would be perfect to have a Starbucks giveaway on the final day of my 5 Days of giveaway to celebrate my 5-year blogiversary.
Thanks to my brother and Real Estate Advisor extraordinaire, Adil Dinani, one lucky reader will win a $50 Starbucks gift card!
A little background about Adil. He’s my younger brother by 6 years. And ever since he was a kid, he’s always been outgoing and business has been in his blood. He found his passion early on in life and ever since then, he’s been working hard.
I can honestly say that he is an expert in his field. His work ethic and his commitment to helping clients make the best decisions has allowed him to become an authority in his industry.
#AskAdil is his way to give people a platform to ask any important questions they may have about real estate. That being said, if you have any questions at all about real estate and the real estate market, he is more than happy to answer your questions, either directly or via social media using the hashtag #AskAdil.
Now to enter to win the $50 Starbucks Gift Card, follow the instructions on the rafflecopter below.
This giveaway is open to Canada and USA residents.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Blogiverary Giveaway 1
Blogiverary Giveaway 2
Blogiverary Giveaway 3
Blogiverary Giveaway 4
I want to move from a condo to a house, but everything is so expensive in the Metro Vancouver area…what’s the best way to get into this market???
We currently own a 5 bedroom house but two of the bedrooms are quite small. We have considered knocking down a wall to incorporate one of the smaller rooms into the master bedroom. For resale value, would it be better to keep the five bedrooms or would four bedrooms, including a huge master, be just as valuable?
My hubby and I have talked often about getting into the housing market, and I feel that places such as rentals near skytrains, public transit, university/colleges are a great idea but I’m also wondering what other areas are good for investment besides water-front areas as well. Where else are the hidden gems? Thanks for reading.
What would you say to a first time home owner? When would the best time be to get into the market for a new home?
Is owning a home on disability just a dream?
Do you recommend employing a real estate agent if you are looking to buy a house or just proceed on your own.
Is it a good time to buy recreational property? a good investment?
Besides condos being rain screened, what else should I be looking for in the Strata Minutes?
I have a Starbucks that’s almost in my backyard and go there often. Thanks for the opportunity to win. A
I’d ask about the new stress test in January for mortgages- just for general more knowledge!
What room in my house so I invest renovation money so that I can get top dollar – kitchen, bathroom, finish the basement???
How much will the new mortgage laws affect the market?
My condo is very small-only 510 square feet. The bathroom and kitchen are very outdated. Do you think renovating either or both would add value for resale?
What season, if there is one, is the best time to buy and list a place?
Is there a way to know the true value of a house, is there also a way to know of past incidents at houses, do they have to be disclosed
I would ask when is the best rate available?
how to stage your home for sale?
Where will our kids be able to afford to buy in 20 years? Any predictions on the market?
is there a certain time of year that is better to put your house on the market
I’d ask: what are some benefits and risks that first time home buyers should be aware of?
When is the best time to buy a house? Best rates?
We have a study nook but are considering making the two bedrooms on either side bigger would losing a good sized nook reduce home value or increase because of larger bedrooms?
Should you pre-purchase a condo before construction is finished?
We are hoping to buy a home in the next few weeks .. some people are saying sellers are taking advantage of buyers and some are saying its a buyers market .. what is your opinion? #AskAdil
what do you think the market will do in the new year?
I am addicted to eggnog lattes. This would help my habit! ?
I would ask why commissions haven’t become a little more reasonable with the huge increase in purchase/sale prices.
Oh my! These contests are so amazing!
Hmmm I would ask what are some things people can do to increase the value of their house before selling.
Business runs in the family! Love that you two support each other in your businesses 🙂
I’d ask, “What can I do now to help my kids own their own home eventually?”
What data should we look for when determining the price to list our home? #AskAdil
We are looking to buy an investment property. Where and what would you recommend for us to buy?
To get the best resale value for your home, which is the best room to renovate or redo? Kitchen, bathroom, other?
My question would be…how much of an affect does landscaping have on the price?
How much are the new mortgage rules going to affect things?
For first time homeowners, it is better to purchase a condo or a townhouse?
What’s the best way to handle the time between selling your existing home and buying your new home? Both in terms of logistics (trying not be homeless for an indefinite period of time) and in terms of dealing with the mortgage and other financials.
Adil – this is probably the million dollar question. Do we sell our condo near Gastown or hold on to it long term. What are some of the pluses and minuses? To get more space we’ve opted to rent outside of downtown instead of selling so far.
Are condos better investment than a house ?
When is the best time of year to buy/sell a house?
Starbucks is definitely a cool working spot.
Which home Improvement fixes add value to a house? Kitchen Reno? Bathrooms?
How do you know if the condo fees are good money value? Is it location? Amenities? Some are just so high.
The Chicago market — any advice on best time to sell?
Will the housing market ever come down to a level where millennials will actually afford their own home?
With the market slowing down and mortgage rates on the rise. Is it still ok to go with a variable rate
What’s the biggest thing you should avoid when buying a house.
What is the most common mistake made by first time home-buyers?
What should I expect to pay for a house inspection?
Do all realtors charge the same percentage to sell your home, or best to look around?
What advice do you have for those who wish to buy a bigger house in a city where real estate is crazy expensive (ie. Vancouver)?
I’d ask where is the best area to buy in Surrey/Langley?
We have some unfinished projects. Would finishing them be worthwhile before selling?
Should you let one person rep both the buyer and the seller? #AskAdil
What questions should I ask a potential realtor to ensure that I’m getting the best fit (I have had some not so good ones in the past).
There’s a Starbucks on the corner. It would be a short commute to my Starbuck’s office if I had one. It would be even faster if I took the short cut through the back gate.
I would like to ask what are the appreciation or depreciation rates on buildings in certain neighbourhoods.
Are buying near good schools always worth more?
Is it actually better to own a home versus stay in an apartment or condo? With housing prices now, starter homes do not really make sense unless you intend to stay somewhere for at least ten years.
What’s not to love about Starbucks!!! Your brother is too sweet!
Are housing prices going to be on the rise or the decline.
What is the minimum down payment that I need to save to be able to afford any house. We have always rented and really would like to own our own home
Are there any government programs or other resources to help those with low income achieve the goal of purchasing their own home?
I would ask about mortgage insurance as I don’t know much about that.
I would ask for home staging techniques when selling your home
Do you believe there is a right time to cash in on the Lower Mainland real estate market?
What advice would you give to someone who lives in an extremely expensive market, yet would love a house with land? Will the market ever settle back down, or should we just cut our ties to this area and move somewhere cheaper?
Is there a certain season or time of year when the inventory of homes for sale is higher.
My house is going to be a fixer upper- should I fix some things before listing, and list it at a lower price?
I would ask how much we qualify for if we were to set out and purchase a new home.
Do you think that condos are a wiser investment than a house?
Are there any good deals out there for first time home buyers?
What is the interest %?
Is there any good deals for new house?
I am interesting in selling should I paint my house before listing it
I would want some info about purchasing a duplex. and renting out the one side.
I would ask if stagin really matters
How should a business owner prepare financially in order to qualify for a mortgage?
We are planning on moving. My husband does contracting on the side and is unhappy with any home that we find as he states that “he would want to re-do this or re-do that”. We have spoken about possibly building.
Would it be better to build (which means we would have to buy land) or would it be better to purchase existing and re-do the home.