Essential Oils You Need to Try (+ giveaway)

{Blogiversary Giveaway #1 – Essential Oils}

It’s been over two years since essential oils entered  my life. It was  a cold October day, I was so tired of being sick all the time and ready to try something new. My friend was hosting a Doterra Essential Oils class and I went.

I was so intrigued by both the potential of what the oils could do and with the teacher of the class, Li Fryling. She was so passionate and positive about the oils, I new I had to try them. I bought the starter pack of oils, and I’ve never looked back.

5 Essentail Oils to try

My whole family uses essential oils on a daily basis. I’ve blended oils into a roller with liquid coconut oil that makes an immunity blend that my kids roll on their feet every morning when they are getting dressed for school.

We use it for stomachaches, headaches, in smoothies, to diffuse, for muscle aches and pain and even for flavouring my water.

Since essential oils are a regular part of my life, I thought it would be perfect to be the first giveaway in my 5 Days of Giveaways celebrating my 5-Year Blogiversary!

Li has generously given me 5 of the oils that I use on a daily basis to give one very lucky reader! Here are the 5 oils in the giveaway.

5 Essential Oils You Should Try

1. On Guard
This is a blend of oils to help with immunity.  I put On Guard on the bottom of my children’s feet each morning before they go to school because as you know, classes rooms are full of runny noses and other kids who aren’t feeling well. If I’ve been around people who aren’t well, I will take a drop on my finger and put it on the roof of my mouth a couple times a day and I will also defuse it in the house when I think it’s necessary. When I’m sick, I will take a drop of On Guard and a drop of Oregano with a little bit of warm water, gargle and swallow.

5 essentail oils to try

2. Oregano
Even thought Oregano is most popularly known as an ingredient in cooking, it can also be powerful cleansing and purifying agent. It’s said to supports a healthy immune system, healthy digestion, and respiratory function when used internally. It’s very strong but also effective. I use it whenever i feel like I’m getting sick or when I am sick.

5 Essentail Oils to try

3. Lemon
I love the lemon essential oil for a couple of reasons. One, it’s a great cleaner for even the stickiest situation. Second, I love putting a few drop in my water bottle in the morning. It tastes good and it is also cleansing for the digestive system. The best part is that it doesn’t harm the enamel on your teeth!

5 Essentail Oils to try

4. Peppermint
Peppermint is another one of my favorite essential oils. It has lots of different uses. I use it the  for headaches, I’ll just take a drop on my finger and rub it into my temples. It has a great cooling sensation. I like it as a breathe freshener too. Instead of gum or candy, just take a small drop and put it on the roof of your mouth and voila, fresh minty breath! It’s also helpful for upset stomachs.

5. ZenGest
This is another essential oil that we use regularly and I even take it on vacation with me. It helps with tummy aches, digestive problems and nausea. You can rub a drop around your tummy or you can put a drop on your figure and rub it into the roof of your mouth.

5 Essential Oils to try

Now, how you can enter to win these 5 fabulous essential oils. All you have to do is follow the instructions on the rafflecopter below. (This prize pack is open to Canada & Unites states residents.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Then check back again tomorrow for giveaway #2 in my 5 days of giveaways celebrating my 5 year blogiversary!

Blogiversary Giveaway 2 
Blogiversary Giveaway 3 
Blogiversary Giveaway 4 
Blogiversary Giveaway 5 


116 thoughts on “Essential Oils You Need to Try (+ giveaway)

  1. I would love to try the lemon because some days I’m noticing myself gravitating to warm drinks like lattes and coffees only especially on cooler days, which is like every day now haha. I think a few drops of lemon will help me drink more water overall, thanks for the chance to win, insta fan@plumerea

  2. Definitely OnGuard and Oregano! The bitter cold has already found us here in WI and people are already sick at my workplace. I would love this to be a HEALTHY winter for my family and me!

  3. Sounds like I could benefit from them all. But my first choice would be Oregano then On Guard. I’m finally starting to feel human after being sick since the end of September. 4 of those weeks I literally spent most of my time on the couch.

    Thanks for the opportunity !

  4. I love essential oils so much! I have tried these oils and love them all immensely, although I should use my lemon more. 1 oils I am looking forward to trying is bergamot. I know it’s not one of the 5 but I can’t wait to try it. These 5 are power oils!

  5. I have never used essential oils but they sound interesting. I would love to try the On Guard especially. Thanks for the review and introduction to these oils.

  6. I’ve been using essential oils for over 20 years. It’s amazing what they can do for our health and our mood. I use them for cleaning too. I can stand synthetic fragrances/perfumes and many cleaning products give me a headache. Essential oils are my friends. 🙂

  7. I have been using essential oils for years and I truly believe in the effectiveness. Would love to try these doTerra oils.

  8. Love your blog! I would like to try the Peppermint oil as I have been battling headaches since over a decade now!

  9. Would love to try the ZenGest because I could take on vacation for my family in case of tummy aches, digestive problems and nausea

  10. I know Li through a friend! 🙂
    I have used a tiny bit of those oils but never zengest. That would be one I’d like to try!

  11. Lemon oil is a must have!! But I’m in it for ‘on guard’ today, I work in a doctors office and want to protect myself this cold & flu season!

  12. I am most interested in benefiting from ZenGest. Here’s a tip on using the Lemon: rather than use dryer sheets, put a drop or two on a soft cloth and throw it in with your laundry.

  13. I am most interested in trying the On Guard essential oil. It sounds like it would come in handy for the winter months especially since my little one is quite prone to catching the flu.

  14. “On Guard”… would be the one. I’ve been run down for the last month with a sinus infection and running eucalyptus in my aromatherapy mister to no avail yet; need to switch it up! Thanks Salma 🙂

  15. I would have to say, I would love to try the peppermint. Everyone in my house has been getting headaches lately and would love to try an alternative to Tylenol and Motrin.

  16. I’ve actually tried all these and love them! I agree that OnGuard and Oregano are great for immunity boosting, and I’ve used Peppermint and ZenGest to help with motion sickness while traveling. 🙂 Lemon is also great for cleaning, and I’ve used it in some roller blends I’ve made too. I love natural solutions! 🙂

  17. My mother-in-law has OnGuard in her diffuser last night when we were there for dinner. I’d like to get some for myself. I use peppermint for my headaches. I’d love to try the lemon!

  18. Oregano would be an oil that I would love to try although they would all be
    lovely. Thanks for a chance. 🙂

  19. I never knew oregano was even an essential oil (shows how new I am to this) and how powerful it is! I would love to try the On Guard as I have a weak immune system and work in an environment with a lot of wonderful children. Thank you for the giveaway!

  20. I would love to try all of them! Right now- the lemon sounds amazing and it is the perfect season for on guard.

  21. I’ve been wanting to try OnGuard for ages!! And the lemon oil sounds so refreshing, perfect antidote for these grey autumn days. Thanks for the awesome contest opportunity!

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