Keyan’s 9th Birthday at Vancity OCR

This year, my oldest turned 9 years old, 9! That means next year he will be heading into double digits, tweendom, I can’t believe it. It’s so amazing watching him grow and change every year.

Keyan's 9th birthday at Vancity OCR

As always, on his actual birthday, we had dinner and cake at home with our family.

Keyan's 9th birthday at Vancity OCR

Keyan’s Party at Vancity OCR

Then we started looking at what we should do for his birthday party with friends. When I asked him, right away, his response was Vancity OCR! He’d already been to a couple of birthday parties there and had loved it so it was his first choice for his 9th birthday party.

Vancity OCR is the only indoor facility in Vancouver that does Obstacle Course and Ninja training. And when you say ninja training to a 9-year old, you know that they are going to be excited!

Vancity OCR - excited and ready for his party!
Keyan’s excited and ready for his party!

I checked out the party details for Vancity OCR online and booked a date and time for Keyan’s party. It was simple to do it online and they were very helpful via email as well.

On the day of the birthday party, we arrived a little early and were welcomed by the host to an awesome room that was already decorated ninja style and had a small play area in it.

Vancity OCR - party room play structure
Vancity OCR – party room play structure

Once all of Keyan’s friends arrived, our host took them into the gym area and first they talked about safety and rules. Then the fun began. The kids were led through different games, activities and challenges to achieve Ninja status.

Vancity OCR - birthday party fun!



Vancity OCR - Racing to complete a ninja challenge!
Racing to complete a ninja challenge!

There was tumbling, climbing, jumping and other secret ninja challenges, including the ninja wall, that kept the kids active,  happy and excited. After about 1.5 hours, the training was complete.

Vancity OCR - Ninja Challenge complete

Then it was on to the party room from some pizza, veggies, fruit. And of course, no birthday is complete without a birthday cake with a candle for the birthday boy to blow out.

Vancity OCR = party room


Vancity OCR - birthday cupcakes

Keyan’s 9th birthday party at Vancity OCR was definitely one he will remember. If you’re looking for a fun and unique location for your child’s next birthday, I would recommend that you check them out. Heck this mama, is kind of itching to try it out herself, so I may have to try out some of their adult classes too!

*Big thank you to Vancity OCR for hosting Keyan’s 9th birthday!

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