Monday – Lemon garlic chicken with curried quinoa and steamed edamame
Tuesday – Beef tacos and guacamole
Wednesday – Grilled patty melt and a green salad
Thursday – Thai chicken pizza with carrot sticks on the side
Friday – Slow cooker coconut curry cashew chicken with steamed rice and veggies
Saturday – One pot mac and cheese with cucumber slices
Sunday – Dinner out with Family
What’s on your meal plan this week?
m making turkey chili later tonight in the slowcooker and made some tandoori chicken so i can use them in wrap and salad for the week..also made some energy bites for the week.
I should start creating meal planners too and post them. 😉
I’ve got a coconut curry soup, veggie chili, lasagna with edamame beans incorporated somehow, a quinoa enchilada casserole, homemade pizza and perogies with brussel sprouts. I love being on mat leave and getting to try a bunch of new recipes!
Wow, that all sounds so delicious! Isn’t meal planning the best?